Recently a trailer for the new reboot of the PLANET OF THE APES franchise has started making it's way around the net. As a huge fan of the APES films, I've been eagerly anticipating footage of this since I first heard of it under the title PLANET OF THE APES : GENESIS.
First off, if you haven't watched the trailer, you should do so now...
So, What did you think? Me, I'm very excited.
I'll admit that James Franco still seems like an odd fit in this movie, but I'm willing to give him a chance to change my mind when the film is released. He has surprised me before. I love him in FREAKS AND GEEKS, but always felt underwhelmed by his Harry Osbourne in Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN trilogy. I suppose my favorite part of his career is probably his stoner from PINEAPPLE EXPRESS.
The shots we see of the ape are promising, but I've never been a big fan of the conquest of the VFX world
by CGI. Overblown effects tend to pull me out of movies. Weta is behind this, though, so hopefully, it will be impressive AND effective in terms of story progression and character work. Andy Serkis is a master of the performance capture arts, and I have full faith that his hand in all this will be something to behold.
I'm extremely glad that they are launching this new franchise attempt with a remake of the fourth film in the original series, CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. After Burton's crack at APES, I doubt anyone would want to see the "astronaut lands on a simian planet" storyline rehashed yet again
I, for one, am looking very forward to August. I almost can't believe I'm going to get to see a new APES film. I was there on opening night for the last go round, and found myself alone on my like for the 2001 film. I really hope they don't drop the ball on this one, and we can get even more new APES films down the line. I want to see these new fangled photo realistic apes evolved into the ape/man hybrid we saw in the originals. Admittedly, I'm a fanatic about these movies. A few years back, I even bought the Collector's set of DVD's which came in a bust of Caesar
, which sits proudly in my home, where it lets visitors know they are dealing with a special kind of movie lover.
Rest assured, I will be bringing updates on this film as more info is released,
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